Monday, December 27, 2010

The joy of Christmas

Dear W & G,
It was my honest intent to do this on Christmas Eve, but by the time Santa had arrived, I was just too pooped out. The year has been one of my best Christmases ever. The time I have spent with you two has been priceless. We've been a part of countless Christmas parties, sung Christmas songs again and again, rode the Santa Express, visited Zoolight Safari and even had a few visits from Santa.

W, my darling boy, this is the first year you truly get Christmas. You've spent countless hours pouring over the Toys R Us catalog, eyeing a Zoo set with "all dose animals" and wondering if Santa is going to bring you. You've also been worrying about if mommy and daddy can take away your new toys if you misbehave and the unfortunate answer to that is yes. But, you are a wonderful boy, and even if you do lose them for a day or two, I promise we will give them back. It's also been a season of "Why?", because that is your favorite question these days. You're very inquisitive and want to understand why things are done. More importantly, we've spoken of how Christmas is baby Jesus's birthday and that He is the reason we give presents at Christmas. It makes me so happy to share that with you and that you are beginning to learn about our faith. I love you so much and pray that you continue to grow strong in the Lord and know the peace that only He brings.

G, my little imp, you are so precious to me. This year you understand that Santa says "Ho Ho" and you are perhaps understanding that with Ho Ho comes gifts. You are mischievous and it is that little giggle and infectious smile which gets you out of trouble most days. You are naturally curious and have broken no less than 10 ornaments this year, which is ok by me because I'd live with 10,000 broken ornaments to have you in my life. The thing you loved most during this Christmas season is the Advent calendar, not necessarily because you understand what it was about, but rather you understood it's contents...chocolate. You will beg incessantly for it because you, my sweet baby, love sweets. This year your big gift was a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe. You practically hyperventilate when you see one so Santa thought you deserved one of your own. You enter it a la Dukes of Hazard style and ride around it while going "beep, beep." You...are...simply...adorable.

While this season brings us great joy, there is always a little sadness. This year marks my second Christmas without my mother, your "Gigi" and your daddy's 3rd Christmas without his mother, your "Grandma." It breaks our hearts that you didn't get to have them longer. They loved you both so very much and I firmly believe that they are your special angels from above, keeping a watchful eye over you. Your daddy and I are very grateful though for your grandfathers who love you both dearly. It is our sincerest hope that you have them for a long time and have great relationships with Papa and Grandpa.

As Christmas comes to a close, we pray that you both feel the fullness of our love and the fullness of our Father in Heaven's love. Because, W and G, you are our joy of Christmas and are so precious to us. Merry Christmas, sweet babies.


Leaving cookies, Christmas pretzels and milk for Santa
plus a few carrots for the reindeer.

Our tree

W's loot

G's loot
Can we open dis? Can we open it?
Can we open dis?!! PLEEEEASE!
Whatcha doin, Daddy? Can we help?

i love my vacuum cleaner. I love my hat.
I love my vacuum cleaner and hat.

Playing with our new garage.

Not really a 2-seater.

Alright, I'll push you.

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