Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blurry October

I can honestly say that October has been a big, big blur to me. We have been going non-stop and I am T-I-R-E-D. On Sunday, I think it reached a frenzied peak and I had to admit to S that we were waaayyyy over-committed. We've averaged around 4 commitments every weekend this month. It's just so hard to say "no" sometimes. You don't want to let others down and maybe we all want to feel a bit "super-human" and be able to do it all.

Sometimes, I look at others who are in our same life stage and I wonder how they do it nonplused. I admit I feel a bit harried most of the time, and I do it myself mostly. I just want the boys to see, feel and experience all the world has to offer. I want them to know that life is a roller coaster...it may make you feel a bit queasy at times but it can also be a thrill ride. Then again, there is something to be said for slowness. It allows for you to absorb the fullness and richness of life. I hope as winter approaches we can slow down a bit and really enjoy it.

Today, I want to do a little spotlight on baby G. See today, he is 19 months and really isn't much of a "baby" baby anymore. He's running and talking and giggling and full of mischief.

Weight: Around 26 pounds

Height: 35 inches tall

Eats: Loves spaghetti, cheese, corn, yogurt, grapes, french fries, not a big meat eater

Words: "Peas" - please; "Deuce" - juice, "Pee-pa" - pizza, "cheeeez" - cheese, "shus" - shoes. "boo" - book or button or plain old boo though each one in hte right context. Yesterday he said his first phrase "Bye-bye, da-dee".

About G: He is a daddy's boy. W is my mama's boy. I chalk it up the fact that G has been with me since day one so daddy's a bit more of a novelty. With W, I worked so I was the novelty. He loves to read. In fact, he will chase you down with a "Booooo" as he calls it and repeat "boooo..." over and over again until you read him the story he desires. He loves buckles and buttons. He wants to buckle things over and over. He doesn't have the ability to unbuckle yet so he'll hound you with a "buuuu...ble" until you release it so he can buckle again. Can you tell by the above two things that he persistent? Sometimes, it can drive me bonkers because I can't easily refocus him like I could with his older brother, but overall, it's a really good characteristic to have.

He likes doing crafts. His teachers were bragging on him the other day. They had done a little artwork where they used a cut-out of his arm and hand as a tree base and then dipped his finger into paint to make "apples" on the tree; however, they were amazed that after they did it once, G knew what to do and actually did the rest of the painting himself! (They usually have to keep dipping the child's finger in the paint to dot the apple repeatedly, but with little G they didn't because he understood what to do. ) Color me proud.

Loves to sing "e-e-i-ooooo."

Helping mama blow out the candles.
By the way according to W, I"m 6 years old. God bless him.

Cake is good.

Gonna ask Santa for some wheels. G love this thing.

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