Monday, August 16, 2010

Grow Sunday Carnival

The past Sunday our Sunday School was assigned the task of providing a bean bag toss for our church's Kids Grow Sunday. Kids Grow Sunday was the Sunday deemed where all the kids would move to their new Sunday School class. I was one of the four members of our class who volunteered to man the table and game. Being the stereotypical Type-A person that I am, I searched high and low for the perfect bean bag toss game. Since we didn't have time to order one, I was pretty limited to Party City which only had a small rinky-dink game. Obviously, that wouldn't work so I promptly came home and told S that we needed to make one. Thankfully, S was up for the task.

S constructed it and I painted it. I think we did an awesome job! I see this being pulled out at many occasions in the future. Here's the finished result:

TA-DA! Think we could earn some money making these?

The other thing we have going on right now is getting W prepared to play soccer for the first time. S played soccer for most of his life and he'd love to see the boys enjoy it too. Unfortunately, we are still trying to convince W that he's going to love playing. Thankfully, his best bud and his cousin, who are the same age as he is, both play and we keep using that to get him excited. LOL! But there is one thing he is crazy about and that is his new soccer ball. He and every other little boy in the store picked out the shiniest red soccer ball they could find. Ha! Anyway, we find out in a couple of weeks which little team he will land on and what their schedule is. Wish us luck!

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