Wednesday, April 13, 2011

change is hard

Most of the people close to me know that my dad is getting remarried in May. While I have given him my blessing (not that he really needed it), it still is hard for me to accept. My mother and father were married for 39 years and I had never considered that one would remarry after the loss of the other. They were a pair so it's hard to let that go and know he is about to become a part of another pair.

The interesting thing to me is the people who have "inquired" how I am handling it. You see, these are people who dropped out of my life when my mother passed almost 2 years ago. People I had initially tried keeping in contact with, but for whatever reason, did not respond. It makes me sad and angry that these people all of a sudden want to comfort me when I don't need their comfort now. I needed it the months after my mama passed. I needed it then. So, for those with inquiring minds, I am fine. I'm fine.

No, I am not happy at the thought of him getting remarried, but it's not because I want him to be lonely. Him getting remarried is just another sharp reminder than my mother is indeed gone. I miss her so much. I miss everything about her. And, it was hard when he first started seeing his fiance not to feel as if he was betraying my mother. But, you know what? What I have come to conclude is that my daddy getting remarried does not diminish what he and my mother had, because my parents had something truly special. My mother loved my dad with everything she had and he loved her. They provided me with a loving and great home, with a sense of roots and the knowledge of who I am.

My mother had 2 great loves - my dad and me. I have no doubt about that. She always wanted my father and I to have a good relationship, and because of her, I can do that and support him in this.


  1. this brought me to tears, paige! i can't even imagine what you are going through. my parents have been married for 34 years and i couldn't imagine then with anybody else. i am sure that your dad thinks about your mom everyday!

  2. Oh Paige, your Mama raised an amazing woman. I am sure a million people have told you this already, but I no you mama would be proud of you now. You are true grace.


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