Thursday, November 11, 2010

We love the Zoo

Or rather, W loves the Zoo. Or anything related to the Zoo. He asks every day if we're going to the Zoo or if we can go to the Zoo. At night, he'll comment that we can't go to the Zoo because the animals are "sweeping." I can assure you that our Zoo membership has paid for itself over and beyond. I am amazing by the things that this 3 yo knows about the different animals. He'll proudly proclaim the lion as the "King of Beasts" and he'll tell you that lions, giraffes and elephants live in Africa. He'll also tell you that we saw tiger poop, too. He is a little boy, after all.

This week he wanted go see the stinky pigs. He also knows them by their more formal name - Red River Hogs. But, he loves peeking over them and declaring "Peeeeee-uuuuuuuu! Steeen-key!"

Look mama! There they are!

What a beautiful specimen.

What's he doing, mama?

Wild child.

After seeing the Red River hogs, we meandered over to Kangaroo Kountry. Every time we've been the kangaroos, they've been laying down and napping. This week we had a little excitement. We were witness to an altercation.

We think it was a domestic dispute. Police report pending.

After giving their statement, they decided
to make amends and not to press any charges.

Did you see THAT?!

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