It's not often we get snow in Alabama so we have to take advantage of it when we can. I think W had a great time in the snow though earlier in the day when I mentioned that we were going to play in the snow, he replied "No way. I no like snow." However, once we were bundled up and out there, he changed his tune. Baby G enjoyed it as well. He'd just look and look taking it all in. He tolerated being bundled up as well although he soon got tired of the mittens and tried to take them off by biting them and pulling with his teeth. He is too smart for his own good. ;D Hopefully, it will last a while tomorrow so W can "dig" a.k.a. "walk" in the snow some more and we can make a snowman since we didn't get around to it today. |
1 day ago
We have missed seeing you at the park! I am sure you heard ... but Eli fractued his leg and is in a full leg cast for a month. So we are laying low and sticking to non-moblie activities for a while. We would love to have you over to play soon though! email me anytime