Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Easter 2011

Getting caught up again...le sigh. We stayed in Birmingham this year for Easter and the boys were totally into egg hunts this year. Maybe the realization that these eggs represented candy had something to do with it? Ha! Little G was the beast though when it came to the egg hunts. He'd run, find an egg, pop it open and throw the empty egg down on the ground for another to excitedly pick up only to discover no candy. Cruel. With that said, we had a great time getting caught up and visiting my aunts, uncles, cousins and their children.

Family picture. W kept on doing "pirate eye"
which was a bit frustrating at the time, but looking back I love this pic.

Will's Easter basket

G's basket

Daddy giving a helping hand

Going to town

Stopping to pick his eggs clean

Daddy allowing them to have at it.

Needless to say, the boys had a blast even after the egg hunt was over with all of their cousins on my mother's side.

Trampoline time.

Colored bubbles. Thick like paint. Mama's not a fan.

But the boys like them.

Looking like Rob Roy.


  1. I wanted to try the colored bubbles until I heard from several mamas that they aren't so great....

  2. I miss having egg hunts!! I don't think I would be a fan of those colored bubbles either. I assume they wash off faces and out of clothes easily???


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