Thursday, September 2, 2010

First day of school

We are ALL happy about school starting.

Yesterday was G's first day at Parent's Day Out and it was W's 1st day of 3K pre-school. I have been looking forward to this day for quite sometime. Partly because I need a little break from the kids from time to time, but also because they need the intellectual and social development that only comes from being around other kids in a more formal setting.

W went to daycare while I worked and really misses being with other kids. But, he's also smart. I know all moms think that of their kids, however his teachers in the past have commented on how bright he is so maybe I'm not completely biased. We met his teacher, Ms. G, the other night and I was really impressed with her. She's been teaching for over 16 years and was recently certified as a Love and Logic Facilitator. I had been listening to Love and Logic podcasts for a little while. For parents, it provides simple and easy-to-use tips and techniques to help parents have more fun and less stress while raising responsible children. For teachers, it helps them spend more time teaching and less time disciplining students. His teacher does teach courses in Love and Logic so I think S and I will take it in the spring after my dad's surgery is over.

G, on the other hand, hasn't ever really been away from me so this is all new to him. He'll spend most of his day just playing, but they do start trying to incorporate some sort of a Christian curriculum appropriate for his age group. He has 2 teachers, Ms. D and Ms. S. , which is needed when you have a classroom full of active toddlers. I have no doubt G will love it, too. He is so curious and full of energy so this will give him something new to learn.

On their way into school.

Big question: How did the first day go?
G and I walked W to his room and introduced him to Ms. G. Immediately, W was looking over her shoulder and sucked into the vortex that spotting new toys can only create. He didn't even notice that we had left the room because he was too busy digging into the toy bins.
W and Ms. G.
(Notice the new toys already stockpiled in his arms.)

For little G, he walked into the room and I could tell that his little mind was trying to process what was going on. I really wanted to get a picture with his teachers and him on his first day, but there were so many little ones upset that their mommies had left them that it just was not possible. G was starting to check out the toy rack when he noticed his some of his classmates and then it was like a lightbulb went on and he realized "Oh, carp. My mama's about to leave me." I had almost made it to the door when that realization clicked and his water works began. The little sad face almost broke my heart...until I got to the door and realized that mama's sweet freedom for a few hours was at hand and then you could not wipe the smile off of my face.*
Happy boy home after school.

*G's tears didn't last for long his teachers reported later that afternoon. I received a great report that he had had a fantastic day.

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