Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Magic: Kids say the cutest things

I really should do this more often, but quite honestly, a lot of times I forget to write it and then forget it. ::hangs head in shame:: But, I'm resolved to do better, because the true is there is nothing funnier (or sweeter) than kids and some of the things they say or do.

W Funnies
- Me: Did you see all the strawberries growing on our deck? Pretty soon, we can pick them and eat them. W: You don't grow strawberries. You grow muffins!
- The other day we passed by my old office and I pointed it out. W will then onto ask me if I remembered when he used to work at his old office? He asked me if I remembered who he worked with and when I didn't he listed about 5 of his friends and "of course, Alex" (his cousin). When I inquired what they did at work, he matter of factly responded "Work." ::Duh::
- He likes to tell his daddy "Have a good day at school, Daddy. Be careful, Daddy." when S leaves for work.

G Funnies
- We went to Ross Dress for Less and they have these big poles attached to the shopping carts. I have no idea why or for what purpose, but G was fixated on them the other day. Every time we would pass by another shopper who were mostly female, G would exclaim, "Itsa ho!" meaning "it's a pole". Unfortunately, it sounds as if he was calling someone a disparaging name. LOL!
- He loves to tell people about "fissies in wa-wa" even when we are no where near fishes and water. The confused look on faces is priceless.
- He calls his his brother, "Bubbie" instead of brother, but more than that if you ask him what our names are, he will tell you. However, if you ask him his name he will growl and then laugh.

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