Friday, October 30, 2009

W's School Halloween Parade and Class Party

One picture really sums up the entire experience up...

But what the hay, here's another one for your viewing pleasure...

Seriously, from the moment he saw me sitting in the stands during the parade, the tears and crying started. Thankfully, he wasn't the only toddler crying for his parents, but he, by far, was the worst in his class. Ugh.

In some ways, I just have to laugh because of the sheer ridiculous-ness of it all.

W: I wanna home.

Me: W, baby, we're having a party. We've got cookies, cupcakes, chips. We're going to have SO much fun.

W: Hoooooommmeee.

Me: Baby, sit in your chair. See all of your friends are eating. You love chips and cookies.

W: Carry you. (Translation: "Hold me" from "Want mama to carry you?")

Me: What if I sit by you?

W: Nooooo, CARRY YOU.

Me: *sigh* Let's talk, W. (Carrying him over to a quiet corner.) Mama can't come to your parties if you are going to act this way. There's nothing to be upset about. I'm here. Look at your friends. They aren't crying. There's nothing to cry about. Come on, let's have fun.

Finally, a little stoppage on the tears, but holy moly, I was ready to shoot myself. I'm not sure if it's the chaos or this fact I'm there for a prolonged amount of time, but AYI DE MI. It totally manifests itself as him becoming cling wrap, though. I know it's a phase and I know it's temporary, but you just want your child to have as much fun as the rest.

1 comment:

  1. Our son, Glenn, now in Grad school often had that same reaction when I went to his pre-school parties. I promise he'll get over it by the time he goes to college :-) Hang in there!!


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